maybe i'm just still single, because if i change my status to "in a relationship" or heaven forbid "married" i might miss out on getting emails like the following.
Subject: hi
Message: Friends are a promise made in the heart.. Silent.. Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance... Unchangeable by time. It's lovely to have u as one!
Message: Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of happiness," her mother explained. "And today is the happiest day in her life." The child thought about this for a moment. "So why is the groom wearing black?"
Message: I would like to be a new friend. Would u like to date with me, let me know.ready or not?
and my favorite...
Subject: 4 U
Message: My my where have you been all my existence? I can not believe that someone so profound has not come to the very embrace of my heart. I can not believe that someone so lovely has been so distant and not within the grasp of my caress. Can one know more about the marvelous you or does one have to engage classes to learn about someone so outstanding
why would i risk missing out on this? linkup, your plan to link me up has failed. backfired really.
really all i have ever gotten is stuff on abortion. like too bad you love abortion so much or i would get with you.
i know. the borderline insults are great. like this one i got yesterday:
"Who the crap is joel mchale? And Utah isn't know for its mexican food. I don't know where you'd find any decent eateries there"
or the creepy name people. like "RuffandGentle" who emailed me today. i'm pretty sure based on your screenname alone that we are not MTB. maybe you should email "GvsItUpEezy"
oh yeah i wrote GvisitUpEezy for awhile. he is pretty cool.
So, while I was on Linkup for a short while, I think I might've gotten the best random e-mail of my life.... (while it said IN A RELATIONSHIP mind you).
Subject: Hey
Message: Do you wanna go in on half of a baby with me?
I told him yes, but I think the unfaithful card I was playing might've been too telling.....
oh that's a good one. why would you ever want to leave linkup after that?
i've found the only thing that stops the emails from coming is taking your picture down
everyone wants to talk about politics with my on the linkup which is sad because i dont even like politics. i want to talk about food and making babies like everyone else!
This now makes me nostalgic for Linkup.... Do I dare rejoin the 'community'?
On one hand, you have the creepy dudes. But on the other hand, if creepy dudes hitting on you doesn't raise your self esteem, what will?
Pam it sounds like Becky's number one linkup stalker emailed you. (The Very Best) I hate linkup with a passion. I get "yes, I do love you" about 10 times a day. It has never been or ever will be a place to meet quality guys (no offense shotgun) however, I'll never leave that site!
... I want to be most viewed profile
i dont mean to brag or anything but my profile is on the most viewed list. its on my resume.
How is it done?
Teach me.
well i would love to teach you but i am not sure how it is done. but if you get back on linkup i promise to look at your profile no less than 10 times a day.
Great. I now have absolutely no reason not to sign up again.....
I'm married and I've received EVERY ONE of those emails in the past 2 weeks!!
this is a sweet post. please quote more...
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