Sunday, April 29, 2007

i learned this today on the linkup

Men and women with stronger jawlines are more passionate.

It's true. An angular, pronounced jawline is built by higher levels of testosterone in both men and women. And those with higher concentrations of testosterone tend to have higher drives... and more fantasies. Yeah, baby!


natali said...

i would like to point out that i didnt actually WRITE this blog i just cut and pasted. i have never written or said yeah, baby! in my life. not even when i quote austin powers. which is never.

Colleen said...

where in the yeah baby world did you cut and paste this from? i would surely love to see their jaw (s)

natali said...

mostly i just like how there is pervy stuff on the linkup. i think it was just an ad on the top.

Colleen said...

not to mention someone on link up goes by the screen name of "kink up" seriously...

natali said...

kink up is a great name. first its a play on linkup. and it sums up most sexual encounters that are a direct result of the linkup.

Colleen said...

i also love how people with kinky names and pictures talk about the gospel and following their faith as being #1. but who am i to judge another.

natali said...

colls sex is a very important part of mormonism. i learned that from a documentary. on mormons. not on sex.

so clearly those people ARE interested in following their faith.

i am interested in taking a nap.